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evf How Plus

Datum von: 25.10.2023
Datum bis: 26.10.2023
Veranstalter: EVF
Bemerkung: -
Kosten: 350 Euro
Veranstaltungslokal: Guy's and St Thomas Hospital
Veranstaltungsort: London
Strasse: Westminster Bridge Rd
Kontaktperson: Dawn Bond
Programm: Click here!
Anmeldung: Click here!
To observe and ensure sufficient skills by providing detailed knowledge, and live cases in a clinical setting to initiate the introduction of stenting procedures and catheter-directed thrombolysis.Registration is limited to 24 learners. First come – first served.Is this the course for you?
Preferably have attended the EVF Hands-on Workshop (not required);Intend to update in the modern management of acute and chronic venous outflow obstruction, particularly the technique of venous stenting and thrombolysis.Stent cases performed live with commentary. Stent technique, anticoagulation strategies, thrombolysis with stenting and patient follow-up will be discussed.
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